Learn Multi platform 8086 Assembly Programming... For World Domination!

Hello World Lessons

In this series we'll learn a simple self contained 'Hello World'... Well learn how to compile it, and run on an emulator, We'll then learn a more complex example, which includes a 'monitor' function which will show the status of the registers to screen.

Lesson H1 - Hello World on MS Dos
In this lesson we'll use to use DOS INTerrupt calls to show characters to the screen and return to DOS, we'll use this to show Hello World.

Beginning a DOS program
First we're going to define our program type to the assembler for a basic program .model small will work well.

Next we need to define a stack - we'll define 1024 bytes with .stack 1024

We'll define a data segment (DS) with .data... we'll put our 'Hello World' Message in there

Next we need our .code segment...

We'll start our program by initializing the DS and ES registers to the data segment and code segment

Showing Hello World
When we want to print a character to the screen, we'll use INT 21h (dos int) function 02h (Output Character to Monitor)

This prints the character in DL

We'll write a function called PrintChar that prints the character in AL (this is to maintain compatibility with other platforms and tutorials)
We'll use this PrintChar routine to print a Char 255 terminated string

We'll create a function called 'PrintString' which will print the string at address [ds:si]
When we want to start a new line, we can do this by printing Character 13, then Character 10
When we want to show the string, we need to make sure ds:si points to the 255 terminated string,

To return to DOS we use INT 21h (Dos Int) function 4Ch - we can provide a return code to DO in AL

Compiling and Running
these tutorials use UASM as an assembler, it's free and MASM compatible!

We compile it on the command line with the following command:

Defined Symbols... We're defining some symbols on the command line (equivalent of the equ command).. you don't need this for the basic hello world
MZ = EXE... MZ tells the assembler we're buiding an EXE file (rather than a COM file)
Listing File... we're specify a listing file - it shows the source and resulting bytecode, it's for debugging, so you don't need it, but it helps!
Output file... this is the resulting program file
Source file... the ASM file we're compiling, in this example %buildFile% will be defined by the batchfile - it would be Hello.asm or something if you're writing your own build script
The file will be built into a DOS EXE file...

Note, this probably won't work on modern windows,  so we'll run it with DOS BOX
We need to set up the Dosbox config file (dosbox.conf) to autoload our program
Here is the result

COM Files are limited to 64k in entirety - the .data and .code segments must all fit in 64k
EXE files are more flexible

Due to the removal of backwards compatibility, neither will probably work on modern machines - at least if they are 64 bit.

Extending with a Monitor
In these tutorials we use some software debugging tools,

A Monitor which shows the state of the registers,
a Debugger which shows some lines of the memory
Here is the result

Monitor Code
The monitor tools need some words of data to back up essential registers, these should be defined in the DATA segment
The Monitor tools need a PrintSpace function
We need to include the monitor tools as a separate file.
Writing your own monitor tools may seem a bit odd, but writing our own means we don't have to worry about the functionality our emulator does or does not provide.

The Monitor tools are pretty complex, so we're not going to discuss their workings here!

Lesson H2 - Hello World on the WonderSwan / Wonderswan Color
Let's take our 8086 on the road with some portable programming!... In this episode we'll take a look at the 186 based WonderSwan!

Beginning a Wonderswan program
We need to start our program with a segment... We're defining a segment called 'MainS'.... the end of our code needs to end with 'mains ends'

We're going to need some data in the RAM area... we'll define a base 'UserRam' and two bytes within this for the position of the next character (the cursor).

Next we'll initialize the Stack pointer to memory address 8000h, and the stack segment to 0000h
At the bottom of the program we need a generic footer.

Most of the program is the same on both systems, but the screen setup varies depending on which system you're interested in.

Setting up the Wonderswan B/W screen
First we're going to turn off the screen layers - we do this with port 00h
Next we use port 60h to set the display mode
We're using 'Planar mode' in these tutorials, so graphics are in Bitplanes.
We need to define our font! The file is 1 bit per pixel - 1 bit plane... but the wonderswan uses 2 bitplanes

The Black and white tile patterns are at memory address 2000h onwards.

We copy each byte of the font twice, filling both bitplanes, effectively setting the font to color 3.

On the black and white WonderSwan, we define a pool of 8 colors with ports 1Ch / 1Dh / 1Eh /1Fh...
Each Byte contains 2 colors - as each nibble is one color

We then select 4 of these colors for Palette 0 - which we'll use for the tiles with port 20h
OK, lets clear the tilemap!

We needs to write 32 words to ram address 1000h... our tilemap is 32 * 32

We need to set up our screen

First we'll reset the tilemap position with port 10h,11h
Next we define the memory address of the tilemaps with port 07h

We'll enable the tilemap (SCR1) with port 00h

The WonderSwan Color setup routine is almost the same... Lets check it out

Setting up the Wonderswan Color screen
First we're going to turn off the screen layers - we do this with port 00h
Next we use port 60h to set the display mode
We're using 'Planar mode' in these tutorials, so graphics are in Bitplanes.
We need to define our font! The file is 1 bit per pixel - 1 bit plane... but the wonderswan Color uses 4 bitplanes

The Color tile patterns are at memory address 4000h onwards.

We copy each byte of the font four times, filling all 4 bitplanes, effectively setting the font to color 15.

When we want to define our palette on the WonderSwan color we need to write words to address FE00h in ram onwards

Each color takes two bytes in the format 0-RGBh - where each channel uses a nibble of the word and one nibble is unused

OK, lets clear the tilemap!

We needs to write 32 words to ram address 1000h... our tilemap is 32 * 32

We need to set up our screen

First we'll reset the tilemap position with port 10h,11h
Next we define the memory address of the tilemaps with port 07h

We'll enable the tilemap (SCR1) with port 00h

Finally, on the WonderSwan Color, we'll enable High Contrast mode 14h (Though it may have no effect on the emulator?)

We're done on the platform specific code!

The rest of our code will work on either the Wonderswan or Wonderswan color, awesome eh?

Showing Hello World
When we want to print a character to the screen, we'll need to set a tile of the screen

We load in an X,Y position from CursorX and CursorY in ram, and convert this to a tile address.

The Tilemap is stored at memory address 0000h and is 32x32 tiles in size.

So our formula is:

Tile Address = 1000h + (Ypos * 32 * 2) + (Xpos * 2)

Each uses one word (Two Bytes) in the format: VHBPPPPT TTTTTTT
V = V-flip
H = H-flip
B = wsc Bank
P = Palette
T = Tile

After each print we move right one character, if we get to the end of a line, we need to start a new line.
We'll use this PrintChar routine to print a Char 255 terminated string

We'll create a function called 'PrintString' which will print the string at address [es:si]
When we move down a line, we zero the X-position, and increase the Y-position by one
When we want to show the string, we need to make sure es:si points to the 255 terminated string,

Once we're done, we lock into an infinite loop with Jmp $
($ always points to the current line)

Compiling and Running
these tutorials use UASM as an assembler, it's free and MASM compatible!

We compile it on the command line with the following command:

Defined Symbols... We're defining some symbols on the command line (equivalent of the equ command).. you don't need this for the basic hello world
-bin... this tells the assembler we're building an raw binary file.
-1... this tells the assembler to use 186 mode.
Listing File... we're specify a listing file - it shows the source and resulting bytecode, it's for debugging, so you don't need it, but it helps!
Output file... this is the resulting program file
Source file... the ASM file we're compiling, in this example %buildFile% will be defined by the batchfile - it would be Hello.asm or something if you're writing your own build script
We've built a ROM file... we can start it on the command line with oswan
Here is the result
Extending with a Monitor
In these tutorials we use some software debugging tools,

A Monitor which shows the state of the registers,
a Debugger which shows some lines of the memory
Here is the result

Monitor Code
The monitor tools need some words of data to back up essential registers, we'll add these to the UserRam area

We also need to define @data and @code so the monitor works the same as DOS...

We also define SmallScreen - this tells the monitor our screen is <32 chars wide.
The Monitor tools need a PrintSpace function
We need to include the monitor tools as a separate file.

We compiling for Wonderswan and WonderSwan color - but we're not trying to make a cartridge that works on both.
If we were clever, we could do some kind of 'hardware detection' and switch to different init routines.
But it's just for fun!... we're only trying our games on emulators... if you're trying to make a commercial release, maybe you'll need to 'try harder!'

Lesson H3 - Hello World on MS Dos via Native Tools (MASM 6.11)
We learned how to make Hello World from windows last time... This time we'll go FULL DOS (never go full dos!) and write and compile our program only using MSDOS software... no windows needed!


We'll need a copy of MASM611 somewhere... the one we're using here was downloaded from this site.

Unleashing the MASM!
In this example we'll use the copy of MASM found here,

First we should extract all the folders from our MASM archive into a folder on our Dos C Drive.
To start the installation we need to go in to the DISK1 folder of the files we just extracted

Next we run SETUP.EXE
Install the software 'using defaults' (Option 2)
We'll use the MASM 'Programmers WorkBench' to write our program, but we need to set up the environment variables
So lets create a batch file called "PWB.BAT" in C:\MASM611 - either with EDIT in dos if we have it, or NOTEPAD in windows.

First we call the batch file 'NEW-VARS.bat' created by the installer.
then we run PWB.exe in the BINR folder

We can now run PWB to start the programmers editor

call binr\NEW-VARS.bat

Assembling our Program
We can assemble our program with the EXECUTE command from the RUN command
Rebuild All will assemble our program
Oh Noes! we have errors!... Click View Results to see what went wrong!
We have done a naughty!

Lets fix the bugs in our code!
We need to change [ds:si] to ds:[si] on line 24 of the old hello world example

We also need to add END to the end of our program
If we build again we will get 2 warnings... but we don't care because we like to live dangerously and have no fear!
Select Run Program
Our program now works fine!


It should be noted that using DOS is likely to make things harder for us programming than our advanced windows 7 machines (or even sucky windows 10 ones! :-P)
So this isn't really the 'easiest' way to write dos programs!


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