Learn Multi platform ARM Assembly Programming... For the Future!
Platform Specific Lessons
In this Tutorial series we go over the hardware of the platforms we're covering - each lesson will cover a different platform, and function of the system

These tutorials assume you have a reasonable understanding of ARM, and are looking to build up your own program.

Lesson P1 - Bitmap graphics and Palette definitions on Risc OS
Lets start with RISC-OS... we'll learn how to enable graphics mode, and draw bitmap graphics to the screen.

Let's make a start!

Turning on the screen:
To turn on the screen we'll use VDU commands...

These are 'control characters' we print to the 'screen' (They never actually appear)... We Use SWI 0 to do this.

We write 22 (VDU 22) to the screen to select mode, we want Mode 9 - this is 320x256 with 16 colors - so we write 9 next

The screen will have a blinking cursor, we use SWI 0x36 to turn it off

Next we need to get the address of the screen, we use SWI 0x31 to get the details of the screen,
we pass a bank of parameter numbers that we want, and get back the address of the screen in 'ScreenStart'

There are a wide range of screen modes available, but we'll only be using 9!... the 256 color mode is a little weird as it uses 64 base colors with different brightnesses, so you'll probably find this 16 color mode easier.

If you want all the details take a look here!

Setting Palette Entries:
We're going to set the palette... RiscOS uses 1 nibble per color (4 bit per channel)
When we want to set a palette entry we use VDU 19... we write control code 19 to the screen with SWI 0.

We write the palette entry number...

Next we set the flashing mode (16 = turns it off)...

The top nibble of the next3 writes is the Red, Green then Blue part

Calculating Screen Addresses and plotting pixels:
When we want to draw to the screen, we'll first want to take our X,Y screen position (in R1,R2) and convert them to a memory address (returned in R10)

As the screen is 320 pixels wide, and 2 pixels are in a single byte, The formula for calculating an address is
ScreenAddr = ScreenBase + (Ypos*160) + Xpos

We got 'ScreenAddr' when we turned the screen on.

When we want to move down a line we add 160 to the screen address.
When we want to draw to the screen, we calculate the screen address, and copy each byte of the line to the screen,

We then move down the screen, and repeat until the sprite is done.

The sprite data will be included from a file... As the screen is 4bpp in linear format, each nibble in the file will define the color of a pixel
Here is the result!

Want to create a valid file? you can use my AkuSprite Editor, it's free and open source, and included in the sources file.

Lesson P2 - Bitmap graphics and Palette definitions on GameBoy Advance (16 bit - 32768 colors)
The GBA was a huge upgrade over the Gameboy Color... Allowing multiple layers and 32 bit color, we have an immense amount of power for our ARM programming.

Lets look at the GBA and learn how to use 15 bit mode! (32768 colors)

Turning on the screen:
OK, First we need to set up our screen... we're going to use 'Screen mode 3'... this gives a 16pp bitmap screen (2 bytes per pixel) at ram address 0x06000000
This screen mode only works on Background Layer 2

To turn it on we need to set graphics register x04000000 - bits 0-2 are the Screen mode,  bit 10 turns on Background 2
Once the screen is on, we'll fill the screen!

The screen starts at 0x06000000 and has 256x192 pixels... where each pixel takes 2 bytes in the format 'ABBBBBGGGGGRRRRR'... with 1 Alpha bit and 5 Blue, Green and Red bits

This screen mode uses 2 bytes (a Half-Word) per pixel... but whatever screen mode you use, you need to make sure you write to the screen in WORDS - Writing individual bytes to the screen - even in 256 color mode will not work!

Calculating Screen Addresses and plotting pixels:
When we want to draw to the screen we need to calculate the ram address..

The screen is 240x192 pixels - each pixel is 2 bytes, and our screen base is 0x06800000

Therefore our screen formula is:
Address = 0x06000000 + (Ypos * 240 * 2)+ Xpos * 2

When we want to move down the screen, we just add 480 to the current screen address.
When we want to draw to the screen, we calculate the screen address, and copy each byte of the line to the screen,

We then move down the screen, and repeat until the sprite is done.
We include the bitmap from a file
Here is the result!

Want to create a valid file? you can use my AkuSprite Editor, it's free and open source, and included in the sources file.

Lesson P3 - Bitmap graphics and Palette definitions on GameBoy Advance (8 bit - 256 colors)
The GBA was a huge upgrade over the Gameboy Color... Allowing multiple layers and 32 bit color, we have an immense amount of power for our ARM programming.

Lets look at the GBA and learn how to use 8 bit mode! (256 colors)

Turning on the screen:
OK, First we need to set up our screen... we're going to use 'Screen mode 4'... this gives a 256 color bitmap screen (1 bytes per pixel) at ram address 0x06000000
This screen mode only works on Background Layer 2

To turn it on we need to set graphics register x04000000 - bits 0-2 are the Screen mode,  bit 10 turns on Background 2
Once the screen is on, we'll fill the screen!

The screen starts at 0x06000000 and has 256x192 pixels... where each pixel takes 1 byte and selects a color from the palette.
We're going to define a palette.

Each color is defined by a 15 bit value in the format where each pixel takes 2 bytes in the format '-BBBBBGGGGGRRRRR'... with 5 Blue, Green and Red bits - the top bit is unused

We store these words to addresses 0x05000000+ - each word is a palette entry

Even though 1 pixel takes a single byte we have to write in WORDS - otherwise both pixels will be set at the same time!

You'll have to program accordingly to work around this limitation!

Setting Palette Entries:
These tutorials use a 1 nibble per color standard palette format in the layout 0x-GRB (one nibble is unused)

As mentioned, palette entries take two bytes ,and are kept at address 0x05000000+ - each word is a palette entry

To calculate the destination address, we multiply our palette number (in R0) by two and add to 0x05000000

Each color is defined by a 15 bit value in the format where each pixel takes 2 bytes in the format
'0b-BBBBBGGGGGRRRRR'... with 5 Blue, Green and Red bits - the top bit is unused

These tutorials use bit format 0b----GGGGRRRRBBBB ... so we need to mask the bits of each channel and move them to the correct position

Finally we write the word to the calculated address.

Calculating Screen Addresses and plotting pixels:
When we want to draw to the screen we need to calculate the ram address..

The screen is 240x160 pixels - each pixel is 1 byte, and our screen base is 0x06800000

Therefore our screen formula is:
Address = 0x06000000 + (Ypos * 240) + Xpos

When we want to move down the screen, we just add 240 to the current screen address.
When we want to draw to the screen, we calculate the screen address, and copy each byte of the line to the screen,

We then move down the screen, and repeat until the sprite is done.
We include the bitmap from a file
Here is the result!

Want to create a valid file? you can use my AkuSprite Editor, it's free and open source, and included in the sources file.

Lesson P4 - Bitmap graphics and Palette definitions on the Nintendo DS (16 bit - 32768 colors)
It's time to look at the Nintendo DS!... lets learn how we can set up two 32k screens for 16 bit color on the NDS!

Enabling graphics hardware
The NDS has two graphics engines - Engine A is the most powerful and can do 3D - Engine B is around the same spec as a GBA

Each Engine can only drive one screen - so we need both for dual screens (That's why most games have simple graphics on one screen)

Before we can use either, we need to turn them on with reg 0x4000304

We'll allocate Engine A to the top screen, and Engine B to the bottom

Though A is more powerful, we're only doing simple graphics so it won't make much difference.

Turning on the first screen via Engine A
Engine A can map an area of normal memory straight onto the screen as a 16 bit 256x192 image (VRAM Display)
We do this by setting bits 16 and 17 of 0x4000240 to 'Mode 2'
The last command enabled the screen, but we must also turn on it's ram...

We do this with 0x4000240

Now Words written to 0x06800000+ will set pixels of the top screen in format -BBBBBGGGGGRRRRR

If you only want one screen - we're done!

If you want two, it's tricky... Engine B can't do RAM displays as easily, but we can do it in a more tricky way!... read on!

Turning on the second screen via Engine B
We're going to set up a 16 bit display on the other screen to - but engine B cannot do VRAM display... however it can do Affine mode - this is where an area of memory is used as a rotatable/scalable bitmap.

Engine B uses ports 0x04001000+

We enable Affine on layer BG2 with port 0x04001000 
We need to configure Affine mode with port 0x0400100C

We're setting the bitmap to 256x256 (to fill the width of the screen) and 32k (16 bit) color
The screen is on, but it won't work without some default rotate/scale settings.

Here are the basic ones to map a normal 1:1 screen
But wait! We still need to turn the memory on!
We do this with 0x4000242, The bottom screen is finally enabled!

Now Words written to 0x06200000+ will set pixels of the top screen in format ABBBBBGGGGGRRRRR (A= Alpha - 1=visible)

Clearing the screens
We can write to both our screens in almost the same way - the only difference is the bottom screen uses Alpha in bit 15 (1=Visible)... the top screen doesn't use it

Pixel format
(Alpha Blue Green Red)

What a lot of effort!

The screen is finally, on, clear and ready for us to draw some data!

Calculating Screen Addresses and plotting pixels:
When we want to draw to the screen we need to calculate the ram address..

The screen is 256x192 pixels - each pixel is 2 bytes,

Lines 0-191 have a  screen base of 0x06800000
Lines 192-383 have a  screen base of 0x06200000

Therefore our screen formula is:
Address = Screenbase +(Ypos * 256*2) + Xpos * 2

When we want to move down the screen, we just add 480 to the current screen address.
When we want to draw to the screen, we calculate the screen address, and copy each byte of the line to the screen,

We then move down the screen, and repeat until the sprite is done.
We include the bitmap from a file
Here is the result!

Want to create a valid file? you can use my AkuSprite Editor, it's free and open source, and included in the sources file.

Lesson P5 - Joypad & Pen on the GBA / NDS ... Key reading on Risc OS
Lets learn how to read the keypad on the Gameboy Advance... the Keypad and pen on the NDS, and the keyboard on Risc OS... here we go!

Key reading on Risc OS

We can read from the keyboard with an OS Call with SWI 6 (OSByte)

Function 129 (0x81) allows us to read from the keyboard...

If we load R1,R2 with a 2 byte delay (R1=L byte R2=H byte) we can get an ASCII key back from the keyboard in R1... the delay can be up to 0x7FFF
Here we had space pressed (Ascii 32 - 0x20)
If we want to test a keypress we need to set R2=255... we need to set R1 to the keypress EORed with 255 (255^keypress)

The Keypresses are not ASCII - they are keycodes.... R1 returns 255 if the key is pressed, 0 if it is not.

In this example we're testing Up, Down, Left and Right and showing a Letter for each direction
Here UP and RIGHT were held down, so we show U and R


The RiscOS keycodes can be seen below:

F1: 113 F2: 114 F3: 115 F4: 20 F5: 116 F6: 117 F7: 22 F8: 118 F9: 119 F10:30 F11: 28 F12: 29

Print: 32 ScrlLk:31 Brk:44

`: 45 1: 48 2: 49 3: 17 4: 18 5: 19 6: 24 7: 36 8: 21 9: 38 0: 39 -: 23 =: 93 Pnd: 46 Bksp: 47
Ins: 61 Home:62 PgUp:63
NmLk: 77 /: 74 *: 91 #: 90
Tab: 96 Q: 16 W: 33 E: 34 R: 51 T: 35 Y: 68 U: 53 I: 37 O: 54 P: 55 [: 56 ]: 88
\: 120
Del: 89 Copy:105 PgDown:78
7: 27 8: 42 9: 43 -: 59
Ctrl: 14 A: 65 S: 81 D: 50 F: 67 G: 83 H: 84 J: 69 K: 70 L: 86 ;: 72 ': 79

Retn: 73

4: 122 5: 123 6: 26 +: 58
Shift: 03
Z: 97 X: 66 C: 82 V: 99 B: 100 N: 85 M: 101 ,: 102 .: 103 /: 104



1: 107 2: 124 3:108 Enter: 60
Caps: 64
Alt: 25

Spc: 98

Ctrl: 17
L:25 D:41 R:121

Joypad Reading on the Gameboy Advance
Reading in the GBA buttons is super easy!... just read in from 0x4000130... you'll get a word back with all the keys in the format %------LRDULRSsBA

Um... that's it!
A bit is 1 if the key isn't pressed.. 0 if the key is pressed

Here we pressed Down and A
The 'GBA' key reading we see here is the same on the NDS... Which is nice and easy!

Unfortunately, reading the other keys is not!... for some reason the NDS only keys are a right pain!

Joypad Reading on the Nintendo DS
Reading in the GBA buttons of the NDS is the same as the GBA... just read in from 0x4000130... you'll get a word back with all the keys in the format %------LRDULRSsBA

A bit is 1 if the key isn't pressed.. 0 if the key is pressed

Here we pressed Down and A (0x7BE)
We usually use the ARM9 for our program, but this CPU cannot read the extra buttons... we have to write a separate program for the ARM7 (specified by the ROM header) and write the read data to the shared memory 0x02F00000+

To read in the extra keys we read from ARM7 address 0x4000136... this reads X and Y , 'PenDown', a special 'Debug' function and the 'lid closed' sensor in the format %--------HP--D-YX
on the ARM7:
Here we pressed the X key (0x7E)

PEN Reading on the Nintendo DS

Accessing the PEN pos can only be done from the ARM7 - and its not entirely easy!
the X and Y pos use 12 bits each, but we can only load them 8 bits at a time, via a serial bus....

0x40001C0 - SPICNT - SPI Bus Control/Status Register
0x40001C2 - SPIDATA - SPI Bus Data/Strobe Register

Here is the sequence for reading an axis...

#0b1000101000000001 -> SPICNT  (Select Touchscreen)
#0b11010100 -> SPIDATA (Xpos) ... OR .... #0b10010100 -> SPIDATA (Ypos)
SPICNT -> Wait for Bit 7 of SPICNT to become 0
SPICNT -> Wait for Bit 7 of SPICNT to become 0
SPIDATA-> top 8 bits of axis HHHHHHHH
#0b1000001000000001 ->SPICNT (Get 2nd byte)
SPICNT -> Wait for Bit 7 of SPICNT to become 0
SPIDATA-> bottom 4 bits of axis LLLL0000
Here the X and Y position... We pressed the pen in the bottom right of the touchpad.

Lesson P6 - Sound on the Gameboy Advance
The GBA retains the same basic functions of the Gameboy Color... Here we'll learn how to make simple sounds for our games.

Introducing ChibiSound!

In these tutorials we're going to create an 'amazing' new sound API to rival Directsound!!!... well at least the functionality won't break like Directsound 3D did!

Well, no it won't... what it will do is take a byte value from 0-255, and make a sound of selectable pitch, with noise or half volume in a similar way on all our systems!
This was created for Grime Z80, and allows common sound code to give similar effects on all the systems!

All we do is load the accumulator with a value, and call ChibiSound!

Of course, this won't be enough to make musicbut it will give us some simple SFX, and make it easy to compare doing simple tasks on our various systems!
R0r Value Effect
&00 Sound Off
&01-&3F Quiet tone
&40-&7F Loud tone
&80-&BF Quiet Noise 
&C0-&FF Loud Noise
in all cases, smaller numbers are higher pitch, so &10 is higher than &11

Sound Ports
Port Name Description Bits Details
4000060h SOUND1CNT_L Channel 1 Sweep register ---------TTTDSSS S=sweep shift D=direction T=Time
4000062h SOUND1CNT_H Channel 1 Duty/Length/Envelope (NR11 VVVVDSSSWWLLLLLL L=length W=wave pattern duty S=envelope Step D= env direction V=Volume
4000064h SOUND1CNT_X Channel 1 Frequency/Control IL---FFFFFFFFFFF I=Init sound L=no loop F=Frequency
4000068h SOUND2CNT_L Channel 2 Duty/Length/Envelope (NR21 VVVVDSSSWWLLLLLL L=length W=wave pattern duty S=envelope Step D= env direction V=Volume
400006Ch SOUND2CNT_H Channel 2 Frequency/Control IL---FFFFFFFFFFF I=Init sound L=no loop F=Frequency
4000070h SOUND3CNT_L Channel 3 Stop/Wave RAM select (NR30) -------PBD----- D=Dimension B=Bank P=Play
4000072h SOUND3CNT_H Channel 3 Length/Volume FVV-----LLLLLLLL L=sound Length V=volume F=Force
4000074h SOUND3CNT_X Channel 3 Frequency/Control IL---FFFFFFFFFFF I=Init sound L=no loop F=Frequency
4000078h SOUND4CNT_L Channel 4 Length/Envelope VVVVDSSS--LLLLLL L=length S=envelope Step D= env direction V=Volume
400007Ch SOUND4CNT_H Channel 4 Noise Frequency/Control IL------SSSSCRRR R=dividing Ration, C=Counter S=shify clock freq L+no Loop I=Init sound
4000080h SOUNDCNT_L Control Stereo/Volume/Enable LLLLRRRR-lll-rrr LR=Channel on lr=master vol(7=max)
4000082h SOUNDCNT_H Control Mixing/DMA Control BBBBAAAA-ba-VV
4000084h SOUNDCNT_X Control Sound on/off M---4321 M=Master ON 1234 (Read) = Sound on flag
4000088h BIOS SOUNDBIAS Sound PWM Control AA----BBBBBBBBB- A=Amplitude B=Bios
4000090h WAVE_RAM 16 Bytes 1111222233334444 4 bit sample data
40000A0h FIFO_A Channel A FIFO ----DDDD----DDDD D=Wawave Data
40000A4h FIFO_B Channel B FIFO ----DDDD----DDDD D=Wawave Data

Writing ChibiSound

First we need to turn on the sound hardware, we do this with bit 7 of 0x4000084
Depending if we're making a tone or a noise, we need to branch

We'll use Channel 1 for tones, and Channel 4 for noise
If we're making a tone we use channel 1 for the sound.

We need to select a volume for channel 1 with the top 4 bits of 0x4000062

We need to select a frequency for channel 1 with the 12 bits of 0x4000064 - we also need to set the top bit to 1 to make the sounds start

We need to set the channel to on, by setting the Left+Right bits for channel 1 to 1 (on) in the top 8 bits of 0x4000080h (the mixer)... we also set the bits for the 'master volume' L+R to 1 in bits 0-7... the max volume is 7
If we're making a noise we use channel 4 (the noise channel)

We need to select a volume for channel 4 with the top 4 bits of 0x4000078

The noise frequency is set with bits 4-7 of %400007Ch

Once again we need to set the channel to on, by setting the Left+Right bits for channel 4 to 1 (on) in the top 8 bits of 0x4000080h (the mixer)... we also set the bits for the 'master volume' L+R to 1 in bits 0-7... the max volume is 7
If we want to silence sound, we turn off all the channels of the mixer with 0x4000080h
Of course, the GBA can do more than just simple beeps, it's capable of playing digital sound samples.
But for now we'll make do with some basic beeps.

Lesson P7 - Sound on the Nintendo DS
The Nintendo DS is far more advanced, and uses sound samples!... we'll change the playback frequency to alter pitch... lets make some noise!


Introducing ChibiSound!

In these tutorials we're going to create an 'amazing' new sound API to rival Directsound!!!... well at least the functionality won't break like Directsound 3D did!

Well, no it won't... what it will do is take a byte value from 0-255, and make a sound of selectable pitch, with noise or half volume in a similar way on all our systems!
This was created for Grime Z80, and allows common sound code to give similar effects on all the systems!

All we do is load the accumulator with a value, and call ChibiSound!

Of course, this won't be enough to make music but it will give us some simple SFX, and make it easy to compare doing simple tasks on our various systems!
R0 Value Effect
&00 Sound Off
&01-&3F Quiet tone
&40-&7F Loud tone
&80-&BF Quiet Noise 
&C0-&FF Loud Noise
in all cases, smaller numbers are higher pitch, so &10 is higher than &11

Sound Registers (ARM7)

Like pen control, the main ARM9 CPU cannot access the sound hardware... so we'll program a routine on the ARM7 and use a couple of bytes of shared ram to pass commands to the Arm7 routine

There are 16 sound channels, with addresses like 40004x0h where x is a channel from 0-F

Address Bytes Name Description Bits Notes
4000304h 2 POWCNT2 Sound/Wifi Power Control Register (R/W) ------WS S=Sound on W=Wifi on
40004x0h 4 SOUNDxCNT Sound Channel X Control Register (R/W) SFFRRWWW-PPPPPPPH-----DD-VVVVVVV S=Start F=Format R=Repeat W=Wave duty P=Panning H=Hold D=volume Div V=Volume
40004x4h 4 SOUNDxSAD Sound Channel X Data Source Register (W) -----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA00 A=Address of sample
40004x8h 2 SOUNDxTMR Sound Channel X Timer Register (W) FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F=Frequency
40004xAh 2 SOUNDxPNT Sound Channel X Loopstart Register (W) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L=Loop Start
40004xCh 4 SOUNDxLEN Sound Channel X Length Register (W) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L=Length
4000500h 2 SOUNDCNT Sound Control Register (R/W) M-31RRLL-VVVVVVV M=Master on 31=output 31 to mixer RRLL=output from V=master Volume
4000504h 2 SOUNDBIAS Sound Bias Register (R/W) -------BBBBBBBBBB B=Sound Bias
4000508h 1 SNDCAP0CNT Sound Capture 0 Control Register (R/W) S---FEsC S=Start F=Format R=Repeat s=source C=Control
4000509h 1 SNDCAP1CNT Sound Capture 1 Control Register (R/W) S---FEsC
4000510h 4 SNDCAP0DAD Sound Capture 0 Destination Address (R/W) -----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA00 A=Address of Capture
4000514h 2 SNDCAP0LEN Sound Capture 0 Length (W) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L=Length
4000518h 4 SNDCAP1DAD Sound Capture 1 Destination Address (R/W) -----AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA00
400051Ch 2 SNDCAP1LEN Sound Capture 1 Length (W) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L=Length

Writing ChibiSound

We're using 2 bytes of shared RAM to pass commands to the ARM7

The first byte is the 'chibisound' byte in the format %TVPPPPPP where T=tone (Tone/Noise) V=Volume (Low/High) P=Pitch

The second is the 'Action' byte - if it's zero, the ARM7 will do nothing, if it's nonzero, the ARM7 will process the first byte, then set the second back to zero

The ChibiSound Driver on the ARM7

We're going to need 2 sound samples.

One is a simple Tone (A square wave)... the other is a random noise sample.
First we check the second 'action' byte

If it's zero, we have nothing to do, so we skip processing
If it's one, we have commands!
Next we check the ChibiSound byte, if it's zero, we're going to mute sound we do this by setting the master volume to zero with the sound control register 0x4000500
if we're going to play a sound, we first make sure the sound hardware is enabled by writing #1 to 0x4000304
Whatever sound we make, we'll use channel 0 for our sounds.

Next we need to decide whether to use our Tone sample or Noise sample - this depends on the top bit of the ChibiSound command... we do this with 0x4000404

Note: The sound sample must be aligned to a 32 bit boundary (4 byte)
Next we need to set the length of the sample (in 32 bit words.... so Bytes /4)

Both our samples are 128 bytes - so 32 words.... we do this with sound reg 0x400040C

We want the whole sample to loop (not just part) so we set the 'Loop from' to #0 in 0x400040A
Ok, next we need to set the frequency (pitch) of the playback, we do this with reg 0x4000408h
Next we need to set the channel Volume , set the Repeat (1=InfLoop),Panning (64=center) and Format (0=8Bit Signed)

We do all this with 4000400h

The sound will now play!
Remember... these commands only work from the ARM7 - you need to define a separate program for that CPU to run in the header...
Don't know how to do that? No problem! check out the files in the sources download!

What? You can't be bothered? Sheesh! Well I guess you didn't really want to know then!

Lesson P8 - 16 color Tilemap on the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS!
We've looked at bitmap screens, but lets go more simple(?)... Lets take a look at the Tilemap, we'll set up a 64x32 tilemap - big enough to scroll the screen.

First we'll learn how to do this on the GBA - because the NDS graphics hardware is very similar, we'll convert it to work on the NDS too!


Setting up the tilemap
First we need to enable the screen layer, and set screen mode 0 (16 color Tilemap) we do this with port 4000000h

(This command is slightly different on the NDS)
Next we need to configure the tilemap... We're going to set the base for the tile patterns at address 6004000h...

We're also going to set the tilemap size to 64x32... The visible screen is 32x24, but this isn't enough for the screen to scroll.
The 64x32 tilemap is actually made up of 2x 32x32 tilemaps!

The Left hand half of the tilemap is at 06000000h
The Right hand half of the tilemap is at 06000800h

Setting up the tilemap

We're going to define a function LDIR16 to transfer data in 16 bit chunks.

This will Transfer R3 bytes from [R1] to [R2]

Working in Halfwords rather than bytes works best on the GBA as some VRAM functions will malfunction if we write bytes (We could also use Words)
First we'll set up our palette - each palette uses 16 colors... we write halfwords to 05000000h to define each color in the format 0b-BBBBBGGGGGRRRRR (5 bits per channel)

Next we're going to define our tile patterns (the bitmap data of the tiles)

Each tile is 8x8 and uses 4 bits per pixel... They are in 'Linear' format NOT bitplanes, so each nibble of a byte defines the color.

because of the settings we sent to 4000008h, Tile pattern 0 is at address 06004000h
You can export Tile bitmap data in the correct format with my AkuSprite Editor.
We're going to transfer the tile numbers we're going to show into the two 32x32 tilemaps

The Left hand side half is at 6000000h
The Right hand side half is at 6000800h

Each tile is a single word in the format 0bPPPPVHTTTTTTTTTT, where P=Palette HV=HV flip T=Tilenum

We can scroll the tilemap with two registers

4000010h will scroll horizontally
4000012h will scroll vertically
Here is the tilemap scrolling!
The DS version is almost the same, we just need to do a bit more initialization to get the system set up.

Using the Tilemap on the Nintendo DS

First we need to turn on the hardware, this is the same as our bitmap example
Next we need to configure the tilemap with 4000000h, but this register has changed slightly with the NDS

We also need to turn on VRAM for our tilemap, we do this with 4000240h
The Tilemap will now scroll on the NDS too!

Lesson P9 - Hardware Sprites on the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS!
We got a Tilemap working last time, but this time lets extend it with some simple sprites.

Sprites on the GBA/NDS are made up of 8x8 tiles (16 color ones are in the same format as the tilemap)... Lets make them work!

1D Sprites and 2D Sprites

Sprite data for sprites larger than 8x8 can be organized on one of two formats.

In 1D mode, Sprite patterns are organized in a linear format (this is the format this example uses)
If we were to show a crosshair from sprite data it would use tiles 1,2,3,4

In 2D mode, Sprite patterns are organized according to a 32,32 grid.
If we were to show a crosshair from sprite data it would use tiles 1,2,33,34
1D Mode
2D Mode

Enabling Hardware Sprites

The Hardware sprites don't use the same color palettes as the Tilemap,

Hardware Sprite palettes are defined by addresses 5000200h+
Next We need to define our sprite patterns (We're using the same data as the tilemap.

On the GBA we need to transfer these to address 6010000h
On the NDS we need to transfer these to address 6400000h... BUT we first need to turn on this VRAM with port 4000241h
We need to turn on the screen, and enable the sprites (selecting 1D tiles)

This is done with port 4000000h, but the settings are slightly different
We're going to create some simple (unrotated) sprites, The GBA and NDS are capable of more, but it's tricky, and it's outside of the scope of what we'll try to do here.

Enabling Hardware Sprites

Hardware sprites are defined by 3 words... there are 128 in total.
Sprites are defined with 6 bytes from 7000000h Onwards... there are two bytes after each sprite definition which are used by rotation settings

Sprite 0 is defined by 7000000h+,Sprite 1 is defined by 7000008h+,Sprite 1 is defined by 7000010h+ and so on.

H Byte L Byte
Vram Address  F 

7000000h S S C M T T D R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  Y=Ypos S=Shape (Square, HRect, Vrect) C=Colors(16/256)
 M=Mosiac T=Transparent D=Disable/Doublesize R=Rotation
7000002h S S V H R R R X X X X X X X X X  X=Xpos S=Obj Size (8x8,16x16,32x32,64x64) VH=V/HFlip
 R=Rotation parameter
7000004h C C C C P P T T T T T T T T T T
 T=Tile Number
 C=Color palette P=Priority
7000006h Unused by sprite

The basic size of a Square sprite can be 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64, defined by bits 15-16 of the second word.
However a sprite can be double width, or double height to make a rectangle defined by bits 15-16 of the first word.

Sprites can be 16 color or 256 color - the pattern data for both can be mixed.

For the convenience of setting sprites, we'll define a function to calculate the memory address and transfer register values into the VRAM addresses.

This "SetSprite" function will set sprite number R0 to attribs R1,R2,R3
Lets create a 16x16 16 color sprite. This sprite will use tile 6+ (6,7,8,9)

The sprite is a crosshair icon
Lets create a 16x8 rectangular sprite, we'll use Tile 1,2.

This will use 2 of the tiles from the tilemap
Lets create a 16x16 16 color sprite. This sprite will use tile 10+
Each 256 color tile takes 2x 16 color ones.

The sprite is also a crosshair icon (exported as 8bpp)
Here are the Sprite patterns we're importing.
Here is the sample running on the GBA
Here is the sample running on the NDS
You can export files in the correct format with my AkuSprite Editor (Included in the sources.7z)


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