SH2 Assembly programming for the Saturn

The Saturn was the successor to the 32X/Genesis

Performance wise it's comparable to the Playstation, While it has some limited 3D capabilities (where it lagged behind the playstation) , it's real strength is 2D games, where it can create arcade quality performance

Cpu Dual SH2 (28mhz)
Ram 4MB Ram
Video Dual VDP
Resolution 320x224 / 704/224

Saturn Memory Map

All these can also be accessed through Cache Through addresses at $20000000

Address Purpose Details
Boot ROM Repeats every 512 kb
0x00100000 SMPC registers
0x00180000 Backup RAM
0x00200000 Work RAM Low
0x00300000 Random data Random on every read (mostly 0x00)
0x00400000 Zero Always returns 0x0000
0x00800000 Unknown Always returns 0x00000001000200030004000500060007
0x01000000 Master Init (MINIT) Data written goes to Master SH-2 Free Running Timer. Section is Write Only.
0x01800000 Slave Init (SINIT) Data written goes to Slave SH-2 Free Running Timer. Section is Write Only.
0x02000000 CS0 Cartridge 0
0x04000000 CS1 Cartridge 1
0x05000000 Dummy
0x05800000 CD-ROM registers (CS2) Repeats every 64 Bytes
0x05900000 Unknown It will lockup the saturn when read
0x05A00000 68000 Audio Work RAM Stores audio data that will be played
0x05B00000 SCSP registers
0x05C00000 VDP1 VRAM Video RAM for the 3D/Sprite VDP1
0x05C80000 VDP1 Framebuffer Current Image Buffer for the VDP1 to render to
0x05D00000 VDP1 Registers VDP1 variables that change the functionality of how the VDP1 operates
0x05D80000 Lockup when read
0x05E00000 VDP2 VRAM Video Display Processor 2 (Background) Video RAM - Repeats every 512 kb
0x05F00000 VDP2 CRAM VDP2 Color RAM - Basically the background Palette - Repeats every 4kb
0x05F80000 VDP2 registers VDP2 variables that change the functionality of how the VDP2 operates - Repeats every 512 bytes
0x05FC0000 Unknown Always returns 0x000E0000
0x05FE0000 SCU registers Repeats every 256 bytes
0x05FF0000 Unknown registers Repeats every 256 bytes
0x06000000 Work RAM High


Name Address Purpose Bits Details
TVHR $25D00000 TV mode selection (W) %------------VTTT V=Vblank erase / T=Tv mode
FBCR $25D00002 Frame buffer change mode (W) %-----------EddFf
PTMR $25D00004 Draw trigger (W) %--------------PP Plot trigger (0/1/2=Idle/Start/StartOnFrameChange)
EWDR $25D00006 Erase/write data (W) %EEEEEEEEeeeeeeee
EWLR $25D00008 Erase/write upper-left coordinate (W) %-XXXXXXYYYYYYYYY
EWRR $25D0000A Erase/write lower-right coordinate (W) %XXXXXXXYYYYYYYYY
ENDR $25D0000C Draw forced termination (W) %----------------
EDSR $25D00010 Transfer end status (R) %--------------CB C=1=Fetched an ended / B=1=Fetched before end
LOPR $25D00012 Last operation command address (R) %AAAAAAAAAAAAAA00 Address / 8h
COPR $25D00014 Current operation command address (R) %AAAAAAAAAAAAAA00 Address / 8h
MODR $25D00016 Mode status (R) %VVVV---PEDdFvTTT V=Version / P=plot trigger E=even coord /
D=double interlace enable/ d=double interlace draw / F=Frame buffer change mode /
v=vblank erase/write enable / T=tvmode selection


Name Address Purpose Bits Details
TVMD $25F80000 TV Screen Mode (Read Allowed) %D------BLLVV-HHH D=1=Screen on B=1=Blackout L=interlace H=Hres V=Vres
EXTERN $25F80002 External Signal Enable Register %------LS------sG
TV STAT $25F80004 Screen Status (Read Only) %------LS----VHOP
VRSIZE $25F80006 VRAM size (Read Allowed) %V-----------vvvv
HCNT $25F80008 H-Counter (Read Only) %------HHHHHHHHHH
VCNT $25F8000A V-Counter (Read Only) %------VVVVVVVVVV

$25F8000C Reserved

RAMCTL $25F8000E Ram Control (Read Allowed) %C-cc--VVRRRRRRRR C=CRKTE c=CRMD
CLCA0L $25F80010 Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank A0) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
CYCA0U $25F80012 Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank A0) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
CLCA1L $25F80014 Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank A1) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
CYCA1U $25F80016 Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank A1) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
CLCB0L $25F80018 Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank B0) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
CYCB0U $25F8001A Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank B0) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
CLCB1L $25F8001C Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank B1) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
CYCB1U $25F8001E Vram Cycle Pattern (Bank B1) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
BGON $25F80020 Screen Display Enable %---RNNNN--rrnnnn RN=Transparency / rn=enabled
MZCTL $25F80022 Mosaic Control %MMMMMMMM---RNNNN
SFSEL $25F80024 Special Function Code Select %-----------RNNNN
SFCODE $25F80026 Special Function Code %SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
CHCTLA $25F80028 Character Control (NBG0, NBG1) %--CCNNES-cccnnes c=colors (16/256/2k/32k/16m)
e=1=bmp format nn=bmp size
CHCTLB $25F8002A Character Control (NBG2, NBG3,RBG0) %-RRR-rrr--NN--nn
BMPNA $25F8002C Bitmap Palette Number (NBG0, NBG1) %--NN-nnn--NN--nn
BMPNB $25F8002E Bitmap Palette Number (RGB0) %----------NN--nn
PNCN0 $25F80030 Pattern Name Control (NBG0) %NN----NNNNNNNNNN
PNCN1 $25F80032 Pattern Name Control (NBG1) %NN----NNNNNNNNNN
PNCN2 $25F80034 Pattern Name Control (NBG2) %NN----NNNNNNNNNN
PNCN3 $25F80036 Pattern Name Control (NBG3) %NN----NNNNNNNNNN
PNCR $25F80038 Pattern Name Control (RBG0) %NN----NNNNNNNNNN
MPOFN $25F8003C Map Offset (NBG0-NBG3) %-NNN-nnn-NNN-nnn
MPOFR $25F8003E Map Offset (Rotation Parameter A,B) %---------BBB-AAA
MPABN0 $25F80040 MAP (NBG0 Plane A,B) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPCDN0 $25F80042 MAP (NBG0 Plane C,D) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPABN1 $25F80044 MAP (NBG1 Plane A,B) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPCDN1 $25F80046 MAP (NBG1 Plane C,D) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPABN2 $25F80048 MAP (NBG2 Plane A,B) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPCDN2 $25F8004A MAP (NBG2 Plane C,D) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPABN3 $25F8004C MAP (NBG3 Plane A,B) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPCDN3 $25F8004E MAP (NBG3 Plane C,D) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
MPABRA $25F80050 MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane A,B) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPCDRA $25F80052 MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane C,D) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPEFRA $25F80054 MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane E,F) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPGHRA $25F80056 MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane G,H) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPIJRA $25F80058 MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane I,J) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPKLRA $25F8005A MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane K,L) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPMNRA $25F8005C MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane M,N) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPOPRA $25F8005E MAP (Rotation Parameter A Plane O,P) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPABRB $25F80060 MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane A,B) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPCDRB $25F80062 MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane C,D) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPEFRB $25F80064 MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane E,F) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPGHRB $25F80066 MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane G,H) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPIJRB $25F80068 MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane I,J) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPKLRB $25F8006A MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane K,L) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPMNRB $25F8006C MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane M,N) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
MPOPRB $25F8006E MAP (Rotation Parameter B Plane O,P) %--RRRRRR--rrrrrr
SCXIN0 $25F80070 Screen Scroll Value (NBG0, Horizontal Integer Part) %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
SCXDN0 $25F80072 Screen Scroll Value (NBG0, Horizontal Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
SCYIN0 $25F80074 Screen Scroll Value (NBG0, Vertical Integer Part) %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
SCYDN0 $25F80076 Screen Scroll Value (NBG0, Vertical Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
ZMXIN0 $25F80078 Coordinate Increment (NBG0, Horizontal Integer Part) %-------------NNN
ZMXDN0 $25F8007A Coordinate Increment (NBG0, Horizontal Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
ZMYIN0 $25F8007C Coordinate Increment (NBG0, Vertical Integer Part) %-------------NNN
ZMYDN0 $25F8007E Coordinate Increment (NBG0, Vertical Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
SCXIN1 $25F80080 Screen Scroll Value (NBG1, Horizontal Integer Part) %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
SCXDN1 $25F80082 Screen Scroll Value (NBG1, Horizontal Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
SCYIN1 $25F80084 Screen Scroll Value (NBG1, Vertical Integer Part) %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
SCYDN1 $25F80086 Screen Scroll Value (NBG1, Vertical Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
ZMXIN1 $25F80088 Coordinate Increment (NBG1, Horizontal Integer Part) %-------------NNN
ZMXDN1 $25F8008A Coordinate Increment (NBG1, Horizontal Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
ZMYIN1 $25F8008C Coordinate Increment (NBG1, Vertical Integer Part) %-------------NNN
ZMYDN1 $25F8008E Coordinate Increment (NBG1, Vertical Fractional Part) %NNNNNNNN--------
SCXN2 $25F80090 Screen Scroll Value (NBG2, Horizontal) %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
SCYN2 $25F80092 Screen Scroll Value (NBG2, Vertical %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
SCXN3 $25F80094 Screen Scroll Value (NBG3, Horizontal) %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
SCYN3 $25F80096 Screen Scroll Value (NBG3, Vertical %-----NNNNNNNNNNN
ZNCTL $25F80098 reduction enable register %------NN------nn
SCRCTL $25F8009A Line and Vertical Cell Scroll Control (NBG0,NBG1) %--NNNNNN--nnnnnn
VCSTAU $25F8009C Vertical Cell Scroll Table Address (NBG0,NBG1) %-------------VVV
VCSTAL $25F8009E Vertical Cell Scroll Table Address (NBG0,NBG1) %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-
LSTA0U $25F800A0 Line Scroll Table Address (NBG0) %-------------NNN
LSTA0L $25F800A2 Line Scroll Table Address (NBG0) %NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-
LSTA1U $25F800A4 Line Scroll Table Address (NBG1) %-------------NNN
LSTA1L $25F800A6 Line Scroll Table Address (NBG1) %NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN-
LCTAU $25F800A8 Line Color Screen Table Address %-------------VVV
LCTAL $25F800AA Line Color Screen Table Address %VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-
BKTAU $25F800AC Back Screen Table Address ^B------------bbb
BKTAL $25F800AE Back Screen Table Address %BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
RPMD $25F800B0 Rotation Parameter Mode %--------------RR
RPRCTL $25F800B2 Rotation Parameter Read Control %-----RRR-----rrr
KTCTL $25F800B4 Coefficient Table Control %---RRRRR---rrrrr
KTAOF $25F800B6 Coefficient Table Address Offset (Rotation Parameter A,B) %-----RRR-----rrr
OVPNRA $25F800B8 Screen Over Pattern Name (Rotation Parameter A) %RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
OVPNRB $25F800BA Screen Over Pattern Name (Rotation Parameter B) %RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
RPTAU $25F800BC Rotation Parameter Table Address (Rotation Parameter A,B) %-------------RRR
RPTAL $25F800BE Rotation Parameter Table Address (Rotation Parameter A,B) %RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-
WPSX0 $25F800C0 Windows Position (W0, Horizontal Start Point) %------WWWWWWWWWW
WPSY0 $25F800C2 Windows Position (W0, Vertical Start Point) %-------WWWWWWWWW
WPEX0 $25F800C4 Windows Position (W0, Horizontal End Point) %------WWWWWWWWWW
WPEY0 $25F800C6 Windows Position (W0, Vertical End Point) %-------WWWWWWWWW
WPSX1 $25F800C8 Windows Position (W1, Horizontal Start Point) %------WWWWWWWWWW
WPSY1 $25F800CA Windows Position (W1, Vertical Start Point) %-------WWWWWWWWW
WPEX1 $25F800CC Windows Position (W1, Horizontal End Point) %------WWWWWWWWWW
WPEY1 $25F800CE Windows Position (W1, Vertical End Point) %-------WWWWWWWWW
WCTLA $25F800D0 Window Control (NBG0, NBG1) %N-nnnnnnN-nnnnnn
WCTLB $25F800D2 Window Control (NBG2, NBG3) %N-nnnnnnN-nnnnnn
WCTLC $25F800D4 Window Control (RGB0, Sprite) %S-ssssssR-rrrrrr
WCTLD $25F800D6 Window Control (Parameter Window, Color Calc. Window) %C-ccccccR---rrrr
LWTA0U $25F800D8 Line Window Table Address (W0) %W------------www
LWTA0L $25F800DA Line Window Table Address (W0) %WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-
LWTA1U $25F800DC Line Window Table Address (W1) %W------------www
LWTA1L $25F800DE Line Window Table Address (W0) %WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-
SPCTL $25F800E0 Sprite Control %--ss-SSS--ssssss
SDCTL $25F800E2 Shadow Control %-------T--BRNNNN
CRAOFA $25F800E4 Color Ram Address offset (NBG0-NBG3) %-nnn-NNN-nnn-NNN
CRAOFB $25F800E6 Color Ram Address offset (RBG0, Sprite) %---------SSS-RRR
LNCLEN $25F800E8 Line Color Screen Enable %----------SRNNNN
SFPRMD $25F800EA Special Priority Mode %------RRNNNNNNNN
CCCTL $25F800EC Color Calculation Control %BBBB-ECC-SLRNNNN
SFCCMD $25F800EE Special Color Calculation Mode %------RRNNNNNNNN
PRISA $25F800F0 Priority Number (Sprite 0,1) %-----sss-----SSS
PRISB $25F800F2 Priority Number (Sprite 2,3) %-----sss-----SSS
PRISC $25F800F4 Priority Number (Sprite 4,5) %-----sss-----SSS
PRISD $25F800F6 Priority Number (Sprite 6,7) %-----sss-----SSS
PRINA $25F800F8 Priority Number (NBG0,NBG1) %-----NNN-----nnn
PRINB $25F800FA Priority Number (NBG2,NBG3) %-----NNN-----nnn
PRIR $25F800FC Priority Number (RBG0) %-------------nnn

$25F800FE Reserved

CCRSA $25F80100 Color Calculation Ration (Sprite 0,1) %---sssss---SSSSS
CCRSB $25F80102 Color Calculation Ration (Sprite 2,3) %---sssss---SSSSS
CCRSC $25F80104 Color Calculation Ration (Sprite 4,5) %---sssss---SSSSS
CCRSD $25F80106 Color Calculation Ration (Sprite 6,7) %---sssss---SSSSS
CCRNA $25F80108 Color Calculation Ration (NBG0,NBG1) %---NNNNN---nnnnn
CCRNB $25F8010A Color Calculation Ration (NBG2,NBG3) %---NNNNN---nnnnn
CCRR $25F8010C Color Calculation Ration (TBG0) %-----------RRRRR
CCRLB $25F8010E Color Calculation Ration (Line Color Screen, Back Screen) %---BBBBB---LLLLL
CLOFEN $25F80110 Color Offset Enable %---------SBRNNNN
CLOFSL $25F80112 Color Offset Select %---------SBRNNNN
COAR $25F80114 Color Offset A (Red) %-------CCCCCCCCC
COAG $25F80116 Color Offset A (Green) %-------CCCCCCCCC
COAB $25F80118 Color Offset A (Blue) %-------CCCCCCCCC
COBR $25F8011A Color Offset B (Red) %-------CCCCCCCCC
COBG $25F8011C Color Offset B (Green) %-------CCCCCCCCC
COBB $25F8011E Color Offset B (Blue) %-------CCCCCCCCC

SMPC System Manager & Peripheral control

See: ST-169-R1-072694 System Manager & Peripheral control    PG 21+

Name Address Purpose
IREG0 $20100001 Input Register
IREG1 $20100003 Input Register
IREG2 $20100005 Input Register
IREG3 $20100007 Input Register
IREG4 $20100009 Input Register
IREG5 $2010000B Input Register
IREG6 $2010000D Input Register
COMREG $2010001F Command Register
OREG0 $20100021 Output Register
OREG1 $20100023 Output Register
OREG2 $20100025 Output Register
OREG3 $20100027 Output Register
OREG4 $20100029 Output Register
OREG5 $2010002B Output Register
OREG6 $2010002D Output Register
OREG7 $2010002F Output Register
OREG8 $20100031 Output Register
OREG9 $20100033 Output Register
OREG10 $20100035 Output Register
OREG11 $20100037 Output Register
OREG12 $20100039 Output Register
OREG13 $2010003B Output Register
OREG14 $2010003D Output Register
OREG15 $2010003F Output Register
OREG16 $20100041 Output Register
OREG17 $20100043 Output Register
OREG18 $20100045 Output Register
OREG19 $20100047 Output Register
OREG20 $20100049 Output Register
OREG21 $2010004B Output Register
OREG22 $2010004D Output Register
OREG23 $2010004F Output Register
OREG24 $20100051 Output Register
OREG25 $20100053 Output Register
OREG26 $20100055 Output Register
OREG27 $20100057 Output Register
OREG28 $20100059 Output Register
OREG29 $2010005B Output Register
OREG30 $2010005D Output Register
OREG31 $2010005F Output Register
SR $20100061 Status Register
SF $20100063 Status Flag
PDR1 $20100075 Port Dat register 1
PDR2 $20100077 Port Dat register 2
DDR1 $20100079 Data Direction Register 1
DDR2 $2010007B Data Direction Register 2
IOSEL $2010007D IO Select
EXLE $2010007F External Latch Enable


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