Learn Multi platform PowerPC Assembly Programming... And feel the POWER!

Simple Samples

In this series we'll learn a how to do simple tasks, with a single small asm file
Lesson S1 - Sprite Drawing on the GameCube
Lets create a simple bitmap example on the Gamecube.

Unfortunately the Gamecube stores colors strangely, so we'll draw some sample color blocks, we'll also draw our bitmap twice , once at 1x (with inevitable color alterations) and once at 2x (With no color changes)


Gamecube Graphics!

In theory the Gamecube has a 640x480 display, however it only uses 4 bytes for every 2 pixels.

The gamecube uses a 'YUV' type display, where each pixel has a 8 bit brightness byte, but the color bytes are shared by neighboring pixels.

Take a look at the images on the left... The small image was drawn at 1x, the one on the right is 2x... The colors on the left hand image are different in places, because of the shared color information.

However If we treat the gamecube screen as 320x240, or 320x640 - halving the X axis, we can write the same color pixel to 4 bytes, and get the 'actual' colors we wanted!

MRGB-> YBR color

There's no way around itWe will need to convert our 24 bit RGB colors into the format for the Gamecube screen!

Color in RGB:    
  R = (R1+R2)/2
  G = (G1+G2)/2
  B = (B1+B2)/2

  Y1 = (77/256)*R1 + (150/256)*G1 + (29/256)*B1
  Y2 = (77/256)*R2 + (150/256)*G2 + (29/256)*B2
Encoded Color:
  cB = -(44/256)*R - (87/256)*G + (131/256)*B + 128
  cR = (131/256)*R - (110/256)*G - (21/256)*B + 128

Need help with your color maths??? I have a spreadsheet I used for the color conversions!

Download my 'Color conversion spreadsheet'

Our Example on the GameCube
We're gong to show a simple hello world message to the screen!
We're going to use ELF2DOL to convert our program into a DOL binary (It attaches a 256 byte header)

We put our code in the '.text' section

We need to set the address of our VRAM
We're using 0xC0500000 for VRAM - the uncached version of 0x00500000

We write the address to the register 0xCC00201C (TFBL - Top Field Base Register (L) )

We need to clear our screen with CLS ! We load the Color word into R3 - in this case black.

We then use QuickBlock to draw a 48x48 color block to test each color.

We have a 'GetScreenPos' routine to convert an X,Y co-ordinate into a VRAM destination

We use DrawBitmap1x to draw the small bitmap, Due to the way the GameCube shares colors between pixels there will be some color distortion.

We use DrawBitmap2x to draw the doublesize version, This version uses 2x2 scaled pixels, so each 'pixel' will have its own unique color.

Drawing routines

Clearing the screen is easy, we just wipe all 0x25800 thirty two bit words of VRAM from address 0xC0500000 onwards
The VRAM base is 0xC0500000,

Each line of the screen is 640 pixels, and each pixel is 2 bytes.

We multiply our X and Y pos to get the vram destination
The QuickBlock routine draws one of the test color blocks.

it just fills a square area with the same 32 bit value, then moves across the screen 48 pixels
We include the two bitmap files we want to draw as binary files.
My Akusprite editor allows for export in the format used by the gamecube, and offers the 'DoubleWidth' export for the 2x file used in this example.

Akusprite editor is included in the downloads.
We have 2 draw routines, though both are virtually identical.

We store the Width in the CTR register.

We read 2 pixels (32 bits) from the source (R3) and draw them to the screen (R8)

The 2x source file has each pixel doubled horizontally in the file, but to double vertically we draw the same data one line down (offset 1280)

Lesson S2 - Sprite Drawing on the GameCube
Lets create a simple bitmap example on the Gamecube.

We'll move two sprites round the screen with the joypad and stick. One will be 1x scaled, the other will be 2x


These simple tutorials always use a single ASM file.

This time is slightly different, it's a single ASM file, but by enabling ".equ showtext,1" the joypad output will be shown to the screen - this extra function requires a couple of extra ASM files, but is totally optional.

Joypad Ports

Here are the Serial Interfaces registers we need to use

0xCC006400 SIC0OUTBUF - SI Channel 0 Output Buffer (Joy-channel 1 Command) %--------CCCCCCCC0000000011111111 C=Command 0=Output0 1=Output1
0xCC006404 Joy-channel 1 Buttons 1 %---syxba--lrUDRLXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYY
0xCC00640C SIC1OUTBUF - SI Channel 1 Output Buffer (Joy-channel 2 Command) %--------CCCCCCCC0000000011111111 C=Command 0=Output0 1=Output1
0xCC006410 SIC1INBUFH - SI Channel 1 Input Buffer High (Joy-channel 2 Buttons 1) %---syxba--lrUDRLXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYY
0xCC006418 SIC2OUTBUF - SI Channel 2 Output Buffer (Joy-channel 3 Command) %--------CCCCCCCC0000000011111111 C=Command 0=Output0 1=Output1
0xCC00641C Joy-channel 3 Buttons 1 %---syxba--lrUDRLXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYY
0xCC006424 SIC3OUTBUF - SI Channel 3 Output Buffer (Joy-channel 4 Command) %--------CCCCCCCC0000000011111111 C=Command 0=Output0 1=Output1
0xCC006428 Joy-channel 4 Buttons 1 %---syxba--lrUDRLXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYY
0xCC00642C SIC3INBUFL - SI Channel 3 Input Buffer Low (Joy-channel 4 Buttons 2) %XXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYLLLLLLLLRRRRRRRR
0xCC006430 SIPOLL - SI Poll Register (Joy-channel Control (?) (Calibration gun ?)) %------XXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYEEEEVVVV V=Vlbank copy E=Enable port Y=Ytimes X7 X lines
0xCC006434 SICOMCSR - SI Communication Control Status Register (command) %r?--?ccs-mmmmmmm-nnnnnnneb-----? R=Clear Transfer complete interrupt status
0xCC006438 SISR - SI Status Register (channel select & status2)

0xCC00643C SIEXILK - SI EXI Clock Lock

0xCC006480 SI I/O buffer (access by word)

Reading the joypad in this example is based on the documentation in:
YAGCD - Yet Another Gamecube Documentation
Unfortunately, it's not clear that the INIT commands is having any effect (the example works without them)
It's possible (probable?) that this is emulator limitations

Our Joypad example

We're gong to show a pair of sprites onscreen.

One is moved by the digital joypad

The other is moved by the analog joypad
We're going to use ELF2DOL to convert our program into a DOL binary (It attaches a 256 byte header)

We put our code in the '.text' section

We need to set the address of our VRAM
We're using 0xC0500000 for VRAM - the uncached version of 0x00500000

We write the address to the register 0xCC00201C (TFBL - Top Field Base Register (L) )

Drawing routines

Clearing the screen is easy, we just wipe all 0x25800 thirty two bit words of VRAM from address 0xC0500000 onwards
The VRAM base is 0xC0500000,

Each line of the screen is 640 pixels, and each pixel is 2 bytes.

We multiply our X and Y pos to get the vram destination
The Fill Area routine removes a sprite from the screen by drawing a clolor over the sprite

This is used to remove the old sprites when they move

We include the two bitmap files we want to draw as binary files.

We also define memory to store the X and Y positions of the sprites.

We also define 'offsets' so we can load and save the positions
DrawSprites will redraw both the sprites onto the screen.

We have a 'GetScreenPos' routine to convert an X,Y co-ordinate into a VRAM destination

We use DrawBitmap1x to draw the small bitmap, Due to the way the GameCube shares colors between pixels there will be some color distortion.

We use DrawBitmap2x to draw the doublesize version, This version uses 2x2 scaled pixels, so each 'pixel' will have its own unique color.
We have 2 draw routines, though both are virtually identical.

We store the Width in the CTR register.

We read 2 pixels (32 bits) from the source (R3) and draw them to the screen (R8)

The 2x source file has each pixel doubled horizontally in the file, but to double vertically we draw the same data one line down (offset 1280)

Reading the joypad

We need to init the Serial Interface SI

There's a sequence of commands we have to send to the hardware to prep the SI to send updates of the joypad and joysick.

We have to set the 'Command' (0x00400300) using reg 0xCC006400

We enable all 4 pads by writing  0x000000F0 to 0xCC006430

We need to wati for the hardware to be ready - the top bit of 0xCC006434 will change to 0

once it is, we start the interrupt by writing 1 to the same bit of 0xCC006434
We preo the joystick and start the main loop.

At the start We read in the joysick buttons and analog directions into R3 and R4

We load the position of the two sprites X,Y into R11,R12 and R13,R14
We use R6 to test each bit of the digital joypad.

We check each direction, it it's pressed we check the position of the sprite, we can't move if we're at the edge of the screen.

If we CAN move, we add or subtract from that axis.

We update R15, changing it to 1 - this is a flag to mark
We use R6 to test each direction of the digital joypad. We mask the direction using 0xFF00 or 0x00FF

We consider >0xC0 to be a move in one direction and <0x40 to be the opposite direction.

We check each direction, it it's pressed we check the position of the sprite, we can't move if we're at the edge of the screen.

If we CAN move, we add or subtract from that axis.

We update R15, changing it to 1 - this is a flag to mark
We've checked all the moves.

We now test R15 - if its zero no sprites have moved, so we jump back and check again.

If a sprite has moved, we remove the old sprites, update the positions and redrawing the sprites.